Category Archives: Fitpro Income

Personal Training Marketing Strategies: (That Actually Work)

What’s one of the most important factors to becoming a successful personal trainer that is missing from almost every training course? Personal Training Marketing! It’s crazy to me that you can spend thousands of pounds or dollars on a training course to get you prepared for a career as a personal trainer, but you are left with nothing […]

Personal Training Consultation Sessions: Supreme Guide

Throughout my many years as a personal trainer, I have seen lots of techniques to gain new clients. I’ve tried most of them, and there is one method that stands head and shoulders above the rest. That method? Giving out complimentary personal training consultation sessions. In this article, I will be outlining the step-by-step process of […]

Passing The Gym Instructor Assessment: 15 Super Actionable Tips

Passing your level 2 fitness instructor practical assessment is not too difficult and fortunately for you, I can make it even easier by giving you a ton of tips that’ll help you pass. In today’s article, I will be listing out all of my top tips and techniques to making passing your level 2 gym instruction practical […]

How to stay organized as a Personal Trainer (Step-by-step)

Personal training is a very busy career, there’s a lot to do and a lot to keep on top of. You will be meeting clients for training sessions, delivering consultations, health assessments, scouting for new clients and working on your marketing materials. In such busy environment, it would be easy to lose track of which client was […]